Matthew interned at All-Risks in Baltimore, Maryland and had no trouble adjusting to a new city because his coworkers were very generous in showing him around. He had the opportunity to rotate through a number of departments and see how each contributes to the company as a whole. The rotational nature of the internship meant that he had no steady mentor, but instead he shadowed a number of different people. The internship surprised him because the interview process was extremely rigorous but the interns had very little hands-on work. His long-term project for the summer was to prepare and present a mock sales pitch to a company manager.
Matthew experienced an extensive interview process, but the individuals he interviewed with were very relaxed. He enjoyed a lot of supplemental benefits like housing, softball games, golf outings, as well as free lunches and dinners. His favorite aspects of the internship were the golf outings. There were several aspects of the internship that he didn’t like, as he felt that interns weren’t given much work because they weren’t respected for their insurance knowledge. Interns are expected to socialize outside the office, and Matthew found that his lack of socialization counted against him in his internship review. He recommends this company to students who prefer a strong group mentality but not to anyone with an aggressive, independent personality.