Bill interned at both PartnerRe in Greenwich Connecticut, and OdysseyRe in Stamford Connecticut this summer. He lived in Fairfield all summer, where he found that the only entertainment was going to the gym. At both companies, most of his work went to assist the underwriting of directors and officers liability reinsurance policies. At PartnerRe he researched MRSA and cyber liability, and he had a special project where he had to create a draft policy for cyber insurance and give a PowerPoint presentation on it. At OdysseyRe he shadowed his boss and evaluated old submissions from brokers in order to come up with a more beneficial policy for the reinsurer and the cedent company. Bill found that his RMI classes taught him a lot about the insurance industry, and RMI 3504 has some material on reinsurance, but he still had a lot to learn during his internship.
Bill found a mentor at each company he went to, and they taught him a lot about the reinsurance industry. He was selected for the internships after sending his resume, letters of recommendation, and an essay about his career goals to the IRU summer internship program. Despite how busy both companies were during his tenure, his coworkers were extremely friendly and helpful, which made for an incredible working atmosphere. Bill highly enjoyed the annual softball game, golf outings with brokers, and happy hours. Housing was provided, but he unfortunately suffered a long commute to work each day and was eventually reimbursed for travel expenses. He recommends both of these companies to other students, but warns that reinsurance companies often don’t hire students directly out of college.