Emma Higgins
Provide a General Description of the Internship. Include daily tasks completed, the company and its employees, and any other information.
The first week of my internship we had training in Chicago where we learned technical skills and a lot about the firm. For the following weeks of my internship I worked primarily on reserve audits. I had a mentor assigned to me who helped me with work and assigned some projects. I also worked on an intern project throughout the summer and presented on it at the end. Otherwise, I would reach out to other members of my team when I had extra time to help them with work. I worked 40 hours a week for 8 weeks and was not allowed to work overtime.
Did you have a mentor?
If so, how did he/she help you during your internship?
My mentor was assigned to me and was someone who had recently gone through the internship program and was now working full time. She helped me by assigning me work and helping me understand the concepts behind the work. She was also a great resource to go to with any questions I had.
Did you feel your RMI/AS classes better prepared you for the internship?
I am going into property casualty insurance and I wish there was a choice for actuarial science majors to choose between this track and the life insurance track because most of my class work has been focused on life insurance concepts.
Interviewing/Hiring Process Comments:
I received an email from a recruiter to apply for the position. The first interview was over the phone and the final interview was a 2 day event in EY's New York office where all the actuarial intern candidates were interviewed.
Were you assigned any special projects? If so please describe.
My main intern project was looking into patterns for Black Lung claims filed for coal workers in the US. I received a database of claims data from the department of labor and used it to discover patterns between filings and entitlements to benefits and how they corresponded to changes in legislation.
What were the supplemental benefits besides the pay? (Internship Lunches, Housing, Sports Games, Happy Hours, etc.)
I received 4 hours a week for study hours and the day off for my exam. There were also happy hours and intern events such as a kickball tournament and phillies game.
Describe the company's internship program(atmosphere, work load, work, housing, outside work activities, etc.).
The internship was great and I learned a lot of technical and people skills. There were formalized intern events and also several mentor programs for interns to be involved with. There could have been more technical training but I did learn everything I needed on the job and my coworkers were eager to help me learn.
Was the internship what you expected after the interviewing/hiring process?
Were you provided time off besides the weekend?
No, but I was allowed and encouraged to work at home on Fridays.
The first week of my internship we had training in Chicago where we learned technical skills and a lot about the firm. For the following weeks of my internship I worked primarily on reserve audits. I had a mentor assigned to me who helped me with work and assigned some projects. I also worked on an intern project throughout the summer and presented on it at the end. Otherwise, I would reach out to other members of my team when I had extra time to help them with work. I worked 40 hours a week for 8 weeks and was not allowed to work overtime.
Did you have a mentor?
If so, how did he/she help you during your internship?
My mentor was assigned to me and was someone who had recently gone through the internship program and was now working full time. She helped me by assigning me work and helping me understand the concepts behind the work. She was also a great resource to go to with any questions I had.
Did you feel your RMI/AS classes better prepared you for the internship?
I am going into property casualty insurance and I wish there was a choice for actuarial science majors to choose between this track and the life insurance track because most of my class work has been focused on life insurance concepts.
Interviewing/Hiring Process Comments:
I received an email from a recruiter to apply for the position. The first interview was over the phone and the final interview was a 2 day event in EY's New York office where all the actuarial intern candidates were interviewed.
Were you assigned any special projects? If so please describe.
My main intern project was looking into patterns for Black Lung claims filed for coal workers in the US. I received a database of claims data from the department of labor and used it to discover patterns between filings and entitlements to benefits and how they corresponded to changes in legislation.
What were the supplemental benefits besides the pay? (Internship Lunches, Housing, Sports Games, Happy Hours, etc.)
I received 4 hours a week for study hours and the day off for my exam. There were also happy hours and intern events such as a kickball tournament and phillies game.
Describe the company's internship program(atmosphere, work load, work, housing, outside work activities, etc.).
The internship was great and I learned a lot of technical and people skills. There were formalized intern events and also several mentor programs for interns to be involved with. There could have been more technical training but I did learn everything I needed on the job and my coworkers were eager to help me learn.
Was the internship what you expected after the interviewing/hiring process?
Were you provided time off besides the weekend?
No, but I was allowed and encouraged to work at home on Fridays.