Xenia Cox
Provide a General Description of the Internship. Include daily tasks completed, the company and its employees, and any other information.
I worked 9-5 every day, although my boss was very lenient on when I got to work as long as I put in my 8 hours per day. No two days were the same. I started projects such as initiated the process of getting cyber and aviation insurance. I traveled to Marsh NYC to sit in on a days worth of meetings. Sometimes we had lunch meeting and phone conferences with coworkers in India.
Did you have a mentor?
If so, how did he/she help you during your internship?
Did you feel your RMI/AS classes better prepared you for the internship?
Yes it did. One of my various tasks was to read contracts and analyze what was covered based on situation that co-works were emailing about. I also had to read and analyze our property policy information so that we could build our future cyber policy around coverage already in place. In addition I had to write and review the insurance & indemnity sections for M&A contracts
Interviewing/Hiring Process Comments:
I got my internship through RIMS. RIMS had 2 representatives come to the February career reception. My name was on the list sent out for interviews, I went down to the city for my interview and about two weeks later I got the call!
Were you assigned any special projects? If so please describe.
Several: I had to initiate the cyber and aviation coverage process. I designed internal and external sharepoint websites for the risk management department. I wrote insurance and indemnity sections for several M&A contracts that were in process.
What were the supplemental benefits besides the pay? (Internship Lunches, Housing, Sports Games, Happy Hours, etc.)
Lunches at very nice restaurants. A trip to NYC
Describe the company's internship program(atmosphere, work load, work, housing, outside work activities, etc.).
Allows you to think on your feet and gives you a real "day in the life of a risk manager" feel. It was unpredictable and challenging because of the fact that no two days were the same
Was the internship what you expected after the interviewing/hiring process?
Were you provided time off besides the weekend?
Yes. I was able to go home for a week in the middle of my internship. I discussed that I would need that time off before I started.
I worked 9-5 every day, although my boss was very lenient on when I got to work as long as I put in my 8 hours per day. No two days were the same. I started projects such as initiated the process of getting cyber and aviation insurance. I traveled to Marsh NYC to sit in on a days worth of meetings. Sometimes we had lunch meeting and phone conferences with coworkers in India.
Did you have a mentor?
If so, how did he/she help you during your internship?
Did you feel your RMI/AS classes better prepared you for the internship?
Yes it did. One of my various tasks was to read contracts and analyze what was covered based on situation that co-works were emailing about. I also had to read and analyze our property policy information so that we could build our future cyber policy around coverage already in place. In addition I had to write and review the insurance & indemnity sections for M&A contracts
Interviewing/Hiring Process Comments:
I got my internship through RIMS. RIMS had 2 representatives come to the February career reception. My name was on the list sent out for interviews, I went down to the city for my interview and about two weeks later I got the call!
Were you assigned any special projects? If so please describe.
Several: I had to initiate the cyber and aviation coverage process. I designed internal and external sharepoint websites for the risk management department. I wrote insurance and indemnity sections for several M&A contracts that were in process.
What were the supplemental benefits besides the pay? (Internship Lunches, Housing, Sports Games, Happy Hours, etc.)
Lunches at very nice restaurants. A trip to NYC
Describe the company's internship program(atmosphere, work load, work, housing, outside work activities, etc.).
Allows you to think on your feet and gives you a real "day in the life of a risk manager" feel. It was unpredictable and challenging because of the fact that no two days were the same
Was the internship what you expected after the interviewing/hiring process?
Were you provided time off besides the weekend?
Yes. I was able to go home for a week in the middle of my internship. I discussed that I would need that time off before I started.