Kyle Angelilli
Actuarial Science Summer 2019
Actuarial Intern
When did you work there?
Summer 2019
Please list your major(s) and minor(s).
Actuarial Science, Risk Management
Provide a general description of the work at your internship.
Worked Stating Filings for Medicare Supplement Plans
Did you have a mentor? Yes If so, how did he/she help you during your internship?
Met Weekly to discuss my work and other general life advice
Did you feel your RMI/AS classes better prepared you for the internship?
Yes the background knowledge they provided made understanding thing much easier
Were you assigned any special projects? If so please describe.
What were the supplemental benefits besides the pay?
401K plan
Describe the company's internship program.
Mostly structured it included excel and access workshops as well as a weekly speaker series
Was the internship what you expected after the interviewing/hiring process?
It was just about what I expected. They were very clear during the interview process what I would be doing
Were you provided time off besides the weekend?
The fourth of July was a holiday but other than that no
Actuarial Intern
When did you work there?
Summer 2019
Please list your major(s) and minor(s).
Actuarial Science, Risk Management
Provide a general description of the work at your internship.
Worked Stating Filings for Medicare Supplement Plans
Did you have a mentor? Yes If so, how did he/she help you during your internship?
Met Weekly to discuss my work and other general life advice
Did you feel your RMI/AS classes better prepared you for the internship?
Yes the background knowledge they provided made understanding thing much easier
Were you assigned any special projects? If so please describe.
What were the supplemental benefits besides the pay?
401K plan
Describe the company's internship program.
Mostly structured it included excel and access workshops as well as a weekly speaker series
Was the internship what you expected after the interviewing/hiring process?
It was just about what I expected. They were very clear during the interview process what I would be doing
Were you provided time off besides the weekend?
The fourth of July was a holiday but other than that no